Start Grote Club Action 2024

On 21 September, this associations lottery (Grote Club Actie)  started again.
From the lottery tickets (EUR 3 each), 80% of the proceeds go to our club.

You know that we have an AED in our hall.
An AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) is a device that can deliver a controlled electric shock to the heart, with the intention of restoring normal heart function. The survival rate of someone with an acute heart problem increases significantly when reanimated with AED.

Paying for the service maintenance contract for our AED for the next 5 years is the main thing we want to do with the proceeds of the lottery. In addition, a portion will be used to maintain the first aid/AED knowledge of some of our members.

And of course, for those who buy the lottery tickets, there are great prizes (external link in Dutch) to be won!

So buy these lottery tickets through our youth members or Atie Vos!
