Board update February 2024

Email to all members by our chairman Arjan Verburg

News on our website 
Check our website for the latest news (Dutch)  or (English) 

Hall Opening Hours 
Due to the school holidays, there will be no youth training sessions from February 19th to February 23rd.  Please check the website for opening hours

Activities for the upcoming period 

New Hall 
The new hall is still on schedule. We have the kitchen now on paper with a dishwasher, stove, and extractor hood. We are in discussions with the schools regarding the use of our canteen, internet, and waste disposal. For the new canteen, we still need to build a bar with our current refrigerators and the current bar glass top with drainage, and buy cabinets to see how we can make it. Who has experience building a bar or just wants to help? Send an email to

TTV Amstelveen Open Tournament 2024 Saturday, May 25th (Youth) and Sunday, May 26th (Seniors)
Registration for our own open tournament is now open! All senior members and parents of youth members have been notified via email. See also the information on our website: TTV Amstelveen Open 2024. Brian van den Heuvel will also send an email soon to ask who wants to help with this tournament. We are looking forward to a good number of registrations, also from our own association. So, are you interested? Sign up!

Membership Growth Positive
Our club continues to slowly but steadily grow. We have now welcomed the 50th youth member, and the counter for seniors stands at 100, including the 55+ members. A total of 150 members! As a board, we are very pleased with this, but we also understand that this may mean it is (too) crowded at some playing times. We ask for your patience and also to consider each other well, for example by regularly rotating when members are sitting on the sidelines. Keep it sporty and enjoyable for everyone! From autumn in our new hall, we will have a larger space and therefore more tables can be played on simultaneously.

The board is very pleased that Peress Rashty has taken up the challenge of putting sponsorship on the agenda for our association. This can of course be shaped by emailing, which is currently being further investigated by Peress. So, if you think it would be fun to be involved, send a message to the board (, and we will put you in touch with Peress.

First Aid and AED
Our first aiders had a refresher course last year so that they can provide assistance for the next 2 years whenever needed.

The Board
