More opportunities to play table tennis

Dear club members, 

We received signals that the earlier mail regarding the use of the gym on Landtong 12 (‘next to ours’) is not yet clear to everyone. 
Below therefore a clarification and an addition: 

Landtong 12 (in the remainder of this mail referred to as ‘the extra gym’) is available until 28 February next exclusively for TTV Amstelveen. 

  1. During the regular opening hours of our ‘own gym’ we will use the extra room as an overflow (i.e. on Monday-Thursday evenings and on Friday mornings at the 55+ club). 

  2. Outside the regular opening hours of our own gym, you can play in the extra gym on and from Saturday, January 22 up and until Februari 28th on: 
    -> Saturdays from 12.00 to 14.00 for seniors and from 14.00 to 15.00 for youth members (Ben or Guus open and/or close the hall) 
    -> Mondays from 13.00 to 15.00 for seniors (Jan Jaap opens and closes) 
    -> Wednesdays from 10.00 to 12.00 for seniors (Han opens and closes) 
    -> Fridays from 13.00 to 15.00 for seniors (Ben or Guus open and/or close) 
    If you want to make use of this, please sign up with Ben Rigter via Whatsapp or Signal
    (06-83621706) or
    Don’t call as Ben will be busy with his work. 
    Let us know when and what time you plan to come. Do not come to the extra gym without signing up because if there is not enough enthusiasm the gym may stay closed. 

  3. Other use of the extra gym.
    Use of the extra gym outside the days and times mentioned under 1 and 2 can only be requested/notified via the Whatsapp group for Landtong 12 or via Ben (see above)

    -> The same Corona measures apply as for our own gym (so also being able to show a QR code or proof of recent negative test) 
    -> There are no changing rooms and no showers so change at home and come and go in sportswear. 

    Please take advantage of this extra playing opportunity, have fun! 

    Kind regards, 
    Ben Rigter
    Secretary TTV Amstelveen