New Year event well attended

On Saturday 11 January, the traditionally held New Year tournament seniors and drinks were organised. This time, this event was extra festive for the official opening of our new playing hall and canteen.  

As many as 34 players were present to play the senior tournament. A splendid turnout. Ladi was once again the tournament leader. Games were played according to the inimitable Swiss system. Matches of 2 games to the 15, at 14-14 winning point and the top players had to give other players points in advance. A total of six matches were played.
After the smoke cleared, Lei was the winner, Brian and Arjan 2nd and 3rd respectively and Monique was the winner of the poodle prize. A successful tournament! 

After the tournament, right after 4 o’clock, was the prize-giving ceremony of the senior tournament and Guus also put the youth members (and Atie!) in the limelight who had done well selling lottery tickets for the big club action. Proceeds of no less than 1,700 euros! 

Arjan gave a short speech to officially open our new venue. A special mention must go to the various former members present, including honorary members Lies and Ferry Verbraak and Jaap Boerop, who has been a member of our club for 60 years. Naturally, Jaap was allowed to symbolically cut a ribbon, after which the drinks could start under loud applause. 

Everyone enjoyed the delicious satay and other hot and cold snacks prepared by the kitchen crew. With an attendance of close to 100 people, it was a pleasant and busy gathering and the youngsters had a great time playing table tennis. 

Many thanks to all the volunteers! 

Find more photos on  Activities in the past.
